BOSCA has a new team of Officers! Elected at our AGM on 3rd July we look forward to working with BOSCA members and Southwark residents over the next few months. We are already planning a number of events and are keen to hear from you! Please let us hear your views and opinions about life in Southwark and let us know how the Conservative Party can improve things for everyone living in the Borough. Let us have your views on [email protected]
The new Officers are:
Chairman, Robert Ferguson.
Deputy Chairman (Political) Rupert Myers
Deputy Chairman (Membership) Bill Rees
Treasurer: Rob Hewitt.
We were joined at our AGM by our President, Oliver Heald M.P. and Vice Presidnet Stephen Crabb M.P. and celebrated the new team on the Terrace of the House of Commons.
Look forward to working with you for a better Southwark! Watch this space.